
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Book Review: Regret Free Parenting by Catherine Hickem

As a newly married woman, I do not have any children yet, and probably will not for a couple years. My friends however have already started having babies which is VERY exciting! My sister in law in fact just had her second baby 2 days ago! so adorable. 
Today I am reviewing a book provided by (check it out)

Anyways, Regret Free Parenting by Catherine Hickem is a mother herself and therefore has first hand experience.In the book, Hickem, offers seven essential parenting principles: a mother’s purpose, knowing your child, having a vision, emotional intelligence, maintaining your position, addressing fears, and being God-dependent.  At the end of each chapter, she poses questions for the reader to think about, as well as encouraging them to take active steps toward being an intentional mother. 
I really liked how the book focused on how to be intentional all the while growing yourself as a mother. Hickem suggests that the mother's perception of herself is easily picked up by her children and they will treat themselves how she treats herself. That being said it is important for the mother to take care of herself and her own spiritual growth as well as being confident in herself and her authority. The book also discussed children through various ages and stages which is why I would recommend this book to any mother whatever stage her kids are at.
I felt I would have been more interested in this book if I actually had children. I am giving this book to a pregnant friend who I think will appreciate it and hopefully find it helpful. I may ask for it back when I have children of my own as a refresher.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review "Regret Free Parenting". I'm humbled that it spoke to you and I hope it will speak to your family when you begin your parenting journey. Looking forward to helping you to help raise your kids!
